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The Schedule & Alarm Clock Program

Team Members          
  • Aaron Cooper

  • Hakim Ottey

  • James Guillory

Shedule Information  

Shedule is a program developed in a scrum team setting to assist in personal day to day scheduling as well as setting alarms (with the use of audio files) to remind the user of a set time on a designated day. This was achieved using the programming language C++ and the CLR Windows Form for UI management in the Visual Studio 2017 IDE. What was achieved was both a timer and a clock being implemented, a calendar which shows the current date, the months/days before and after the current one, and an alarm which can be set to either a countdown timer or a set time with an audio/wav file to play. An audio library and volume setting was also implemented to give the user the option of which audio file to play for the alarm system.


The CLR Windows Form was decided on for ease of creating an easy to navigate UI for the users to make of the the program's functions. This also makes it visually pleasing for users to navigate instead of using text menu's from a local window in the Visual Studio IDE.

Shedule Code    

The code for the project Shedule is available to view in the provided Github link below, the code was done in a team setting with the help of Hakim Ottey and James Guillory.


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